
The company can offer to its partners a wide range of high quality products, such as: Line of feed additives under the brand CiaO!: vitamins, amino acids, coccidiostatics, antibacterial agents and enzymes.

Salinomycin sodium

Salinomycin sodium

Salinomycin is poly antibiotic of ionophores goup. It provides antococcid action to all types of coccidiosis originator. It shows activity to gram-positive microorganisms, some anaerobic micronychia and Serpulina (Treponema) hyodysenteria. Biological activity is based on its ability to make complexes with ions of monovalent alcali metals, that’s leads to the damage of their transport through cells coccidium interseptum. Thus, intracellular concentration of ions in culprit cells is damaged. The action is occurred in the earliest stage of coccidium development. Adding of salinomycin in particular dozes to the feedings for animals with developed proventriculus causes growth enlarging and feeding uptaking. Salinomycin effects microbiology and microfauna in proventriculus, as a result concentration of propionic acid increases and mass of methane decreases. Salinomycin sodium is used for the prevention of coccidiosis of chickens caused by Eimeria tenella, E.acervulina, E.mivati, E.maxima, E.necatrix; to increase growth and reduce feed for fattening of pigs, lambs and calves.

Contact us

The company can offer to its partners a wide range of high quality products, such as: Line of feed additives under the brand CiaO!: vitamins, amino acids, coccidiostatics, antibacterial agents and enzymes.