
The company can offer to its partners a wide range of high quality products, such as: Line of feed additives under the brand CiaO!: vitamins, amino acids, coccidiostatics, antibacterial agents and enzymes.

Monensin sodium (10%)

Monensin sodium (10%)

Monensin sodium in the composition of coccidiostatic is active to all types of coccidiums parasitizing (E.tenella, E.necatrix, E.mivati, E.maxima, E.brunetty, E.mitis, E.praecox.). Preparation action mechanism is based on the damage of transport of cation sodium and kalium in oocyst, which leads to the coccidiums death on the stage of schizogony. While peroral input monensin sodium isn’t absorbed in the digestive tract and influences mucus and submucous membranes. It is output in the original form with excrements in 3 days. Monensin sodium is used for coccidiosis prophylaxis of broilers and rearing stock. Monensin sodium (10 %) is used to a bird in a mix with feed in the following dozes: broilers - 1000 - 1250 g per 1 ton of feed (100 - 125 g of monensin sodium DV) from the first day of life and is excluded from the diet for 5 days before slaughter. Repair young growth of hens - 1000 - 1200 g (100 - 120 g of monensin sodium DV) from the first days of life up to 16 weeks of age. To ensure even distribution, the daily dose of monensin sodium is mixed with a small amount of feed, and then is added at careful hashing in food, calculated on the consumption of poultry during the day. It mustn’t be given together with tiamulin, erythromycin, oleandomycin and sulfanilamides. It mustn’t be given to laying hen, mature breeding bird and other sorts of stock.

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The company can offer to its partners a wide range of high quality products, such as: Line of feed additives under the brand CiaO!: vitamins, amino acids, coccidiostatics, antibacterial agents and enzymes.