Social responsibility

In accordance with the global principle of responsible business conduct, the company Koudijs MKorma considers participation in the social life of society a prerequisite for the company's development.

Since the creation Koudijs MKorma has led an active social and charitable activities. Our priority areas are: support for orphanages, veterans' organizations, charitable foundations, as well as volunteer activities of the company's employees.

Sobinsky orphanage

S. M. Kirov orphanage in Sobinka

Social shelter for children of the Karachevsky district

Social shelter for children of the Karachevsky district

Charity fund for helping children with oncohematological and other serious illnesses “Give life”

Charity fund for helping children with oncohematological and other serious illnesses “Give life”

Общество Ветеранов войны и труда «Огонек»

Society of Veterans of War and Labor "Ogonek"